Saturday, May 21, 2011

Musings of an Almost-Adult

Sorry that I wasn't able to post on Friday. I've been sick and have spent the past two days on the couch watching about 2397532 episodes of 30 Rock because that was all I was physically and mentally capable of doing.

Anyway, my 18th birthday is this Wednesday. It's pretty exciting, but also pretty mind blowing. I mean, I'm going to be an adult.

How did this happen?

All my life, adults have seemed like these super mature, sophisticated, wise people who know what they're doing, but now I'm going to be one and I am none of those things. I feel like I'm supposed to be able to become a functioning member of society at this point and learn about jobs and taxes and voting and such, yet I really just want to curl up in a blanket and watch Disney movies.

But most people probably feel the same way. Maybe not exactly the same, but I can't be the only almost-18-year-old who doesn't feel like an adult. I guess that's just how it goes. We'll all get thrust into the real world whether we're ready or not, and we'll do whatever we can to make it. The adults I know seem to have turned out all right through all of that, so I guess I've got a chance.

So my recommendation is the show 30 Rock. It may seem a bit odd at first, but it's pretty fantastic and hilarious. And I watched an entire season of it in a day. I don't even know how many episodes I watched this weekend, but they were all incredible.

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