HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY :) (Just pretend it's Wednesday) (Also, I hope you're feeling better)
Summer is almost here, which is pretty awesome. I have two weeks left of school, which is also kind of strange, because this year has gone by so slowly (and it still feels like it's going slowly with 8 or 9 days left). I think this is the summer I'm looking forward to the most out of summers past, for many a reason.
1) In general, I'm looking for summer purely for what I'm planning on doing during the summer, instead of just relief to be out of school (okay, not purely)
2) I might be able to go down to Florida in June to visit Universal (by which I mean the Harry Potter theme park), because my mom has a plane ticket voucher she might not be able to use, and a cousin (or relative of some sort) who happens to live in Florida (which I didn't actually know until I jokingly suggested going to Florida - I never expect she'd take me even kinda seriously).
3) As mentioned previously (I think, somewhere) I'm going to be at Kenyon for a two week writing program, hopefully developing/fine-tuning my fictional writing technique. I'm excited to be going away from home (by which I mean the place, and also the people), and to meet new people who have at least one major thing in common with me. (It would also be pretty cool if I found a nerdfighter there)
4) I'm spending most of July (I think) in California with my dad, who I haven't seen in months. I'm excited to see my dad again, but also to see the rest of his side of the family (most of it anyway). Also, California is pretty and cool, and my dad is currently in the San Francisco Bay area. Also, Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out in July. I'm looking forward to this (in a bittersweet kind of way, because it means the end of Harry Potter stuff release -- at least for the near future)
5) Band Camp for Marching Band is in August, and as a senior, I get to help run the show. Marching Band is tiring and time consuming, but it is also fun and full of (for the most part) awesome people. I'm hoping that, even with the additional stress of running things, the ability to have more creative control and the knowledge that it's my last hurrah, will make Marching Band in the year to come extremely fun.
Recommendation: for (relatively- to majorly-obsessed) Harry Potter fans, the website virtual-hogwarts.org, which is a very thorough RPing site that takes place in the Wizarding World. (I am not a representative of the site. Anyone who wants to join should read all of the Rules and Guideline first :)
Au Revoir!
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