Thursday, May 5, 2011

I see that we're talking about Osama this week. I found out monday morning, and I felt a bit weird. Twitter was going crazy, having jokes and celebrations.
But, I did not. I thought it was wrong, to celebrate the loss of a human being.
I know he wasn't a nice person. I know what he did at 9/11 - the entire world does.
But even so, it felt wrong to celebrate. I read lots of things, that I thought was right, and agreed to, and here are some of those (not exact, and I can't remember where from anymore either)
  • It's wrong to celebrate death - anyone's death. Instead, if you must celebrate - then celebrate the thought that he's no longer able to hurt anymore.
  • Celebrating his death isn't the way to peace; it's collecting wood for the fire.
Those were my thoughts, monday morning. I also thought, that there was a reason to why both Hitler and Osama were non-good people. How did they turn into these murdering and hating humans?
There must be an explanation to it.
Think of it; instead of killing him, we could maybe have known why. ... Although, I don't think that would happen.

Now, to happier things.
I've just finished my last exam today. Or my written exam for this school year. Loads of them to come, unfortunately.
Anyway, they all went well. Except my maths one, I can already hear me fail it.

Other than exams, I've just read the classic Catcher In The Rye. Have any of you read it? If so, thoughts?
Personally I thought Holden VERY annoying. In the danish version (wasn't able to get the english) - and I borrowed the one with the old manner of talking with You, etc.
Anyway, he was reassauring the reader about his personal opinions. All. The. Time. I mean, if Holden's favorite color was yellow, he doesn't have to tell me it was twice.
I got it the first time. Maybe it's a sign on insecurity. I also found his lack oh happiness (or short joy) very annoying. He was never happy. Not once. He didn't like the people, the places, nothing. It was so annyoing. And, dear mr. J. D. Salinger, what does actually happen to the ducks in the Central Park pond?

Yesterday, I read till chapter 16, and I watched the first part of John Green's video about Catcher In The Rye, and even though I was already annoyed with Holden, he made me want to finish the book. I see now, the story, but I still dislike Holden. I wish, he'd done more for his own happiness.

My recommendation this week is John Green's Paper Towns. You may have read it - if you haven't you're really missing out!

DFTBA (and happy Hanko De Mayo)

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