Friday, April 1, 2011

Internet Habits and Nerdy Excitement

Rebecca - I've heard a lot about TV tropes, but haven't really gotten around to checking it out. It sounds really interesting, though, so I'll probably look into it this weekend.
Susie - I definitely feel the same way about learning and teachers and math and science and literature. And I've only managed to watch about half of AVPM so far, and I forgot where I left off. It can be another thing for me to do this weekend!
Simone - Congrats on your new job, and feel better! And I definitely check teefury on a regular basis but never ever buy anything because I don't have a credit card and I don't feel like bothering my parents about it. It's a bit unfortunate. I do the same thing with ModCloth, which isn't a nerdy internet thing, but I just think they have some of the prettiest dresses ever.

I also have a fairly specific order I use my computer in. I start with Facebook and scroll through the news feed to see what people have been up to and respond to anything that needs responding. Then I check Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Cyanide and Happiness, and any other webcomics that I know have new comics. After that is Your Pants, especially the epic Doctor Who thread in there, and this is usually followed by YouTube. Then, I check up on anything else that I feel needs checking up on, and then I wander the interent. I end up spending quite a bit of my internet time on StumbleUpon, which you should definitely go to if you haven't heard of it before.

As for academic interests, I'm pretty much a science and math nerd. I'm still interested in reading, writing, history, art, music, and whatnot, but those interests aren't as big as my love for math and science. I just love how they can explain pretty much everything that happens in the universe. There are so many complex phenomena in the world, and science and math have explanations for almost all of them. And there are all these amazing things they can prove that are straight-up mind-boggling, like quantum mechanics, and they fascinate me to no end.

Speaking of my love of science, I'm pretty excited because the state competition for Science Olympiad is in two weeks. It's going to be so much fun. I love Science Olympiad, and I love all the people who do it with me. I have quite a bit of studying to do for it before then, but it's definitely worth it.

Recommendation for the week: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's another one of those things I kept hearing about and finally decided to check out tonight. I've only finished act 1 so far, but it's pretty fantastic at this point. It's all on YouTube, which makes it pretty convenient to watch.
Anyway, I'm off to finish watching that. DFTBA!


  1. I love Dr. Horrible!! ^_^ It is super awesome :D AVPM is totally awesome :D You should make sure you finish it eventually :)

  2. Yes, Dr. Horrible! I love it when bad is good and good is bad. Also, Neil Patrick Harris.
