Friday, April 29, 2011

Random Ramblings

Rebecca, I can't say I've ever been in a similar situation, but it sure doesn't sound fun. Try to remember that things will get better over time. =)

Susie, I definitely agree with your views on feminism and facebook, especially about women getting education. It's getting a lot better, at least in the US. The college I'm going to next year, which has a heavy focus on science, math, and engineering, had a VERY heavy male majority. However, this year there are more females admitted than males. It makes me happy to see that women are making so much progress. I just hope it keeps going in this direction until there's equality.

Jonathan, I really love that Morgan Freeman video you posted. Also, Portal 2 is epic. I still have yet to finish it because I'm a terribly slow video game player, but I feel like I'm getting pretty close. Sometimes I've felt like the puzzles were a bit too simple, but most of the time there's enough complex puzzles, interesting dialogue, and tidbits of storyline and action to make me absolutely love this game. If I weren't writing this blog post right now, I'd probably be playing Portal.

Simone, the faces of the Silence definitely creep me out too. Their power creeps me out too because everyone is up against something they will never really know about. And now whenever I walk into a room and forget what I was going to do and walk back out, I'm like, "OH GOD, I MUST BE RUNNING FROM THE SILENCE." And then I remember they're fictional and I'm okay. As for River, I have no idea. I think anything we come up with will most likely be wrong. I think she's the astronaut at the beginning, though, but that's because I made a random bet with my dad about it. He thinks it's the Doctor, which is a bit too timey-wimey for me.
And Portal is sort of a tough game to explain. You're in this strange science lab that has a bunch of test chambers that are like puzzle mazes for people, and you have to get through each room by using your portal gun, which can shoot a blue hole and an orange hole in the walls, and when you go through one hole you come out the other, no matter where it is in the room. And the computer running the whole thing is crazy, evil, and hilarious. That was probably the worst description ever, but I swear it's a fun game! You might want to check here for a better explanation.

Well, I don't think I really have any new topics to bring up. Prom is coming up and that's all I can think of and you guys probably wouldn't want to hear about my struggles and it would make this post way too long. Anyway, my recommendation for this week is Reefer Madness: the Movie Musical. If you're up for a hilarious, ridiculous satire based on an anti-marijuana propaganda film from the 1930s, this is the movie for you. And it's a musical, which just makes it even better.

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