So I'm going to follow along with everyone else and introduce myself a bit. My name is Jonathan, I'm 17 and I hail from the frozen northern wonderland known as Canada (Toronto more specifically).
I like reading books, but I'm not the type of person to gush about harry potter. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the books a ton (except the third and fifth), but they're just normal fantasy books to me. One of the things I liked most about the series was how it grew up as I did. I remember reading the second book with my dad when i was like 6, and I find it really cool how the tone of the books has changed along side me, getting darker and more mature with each installment. However, there are better fantasy series than this one.
Anyway, I tend to enjoy fantasy and sci-fi books. I like stuff by the heavy hitters, like Asimov and Goodkind, but I also tend to look at some lesser known works in the genre when I can. So far my favorite series is one called the Dresden Files; It's like a noir detective novel, but he's a wizard. Its one of those books that blends mystery, solid fantasy world-building (the kind of world that exists simultaneously with the normal world), action and a lot of other cool stuff. If anyone is looking for a good fantasy book, I definitely recommend it (though it might be a little dark at times).
I also like reading non-fiction science books. I find science really cool, and even though I don't actually know the specifics, I am still trying to learn the fundamental concepts of things like quantum mechanics and relativity. I've been reading stuff by Stephen Hawking, and the autobiography of Richard Feynman (which surprisingly has like almost nothing to do with physics; He was considered the rockstar of physicists, and he lived a really interesting life full of a lot of cool things). Both offer insight into science and I enjoy trying to get a picture of what we really know about the universe.
I also play hockey. It seems I've been doing this since I was a kid, and I've always stuck with it. I used to play competitively, but once I realized I didn't wanna put the ridiculous amount of time in to pursue it further I dropped down to a point where I play for fun, but at the same time its sorta competitive (hope that makes sense). I also have picked up curling lately, but you guys probably know even less about that so I'll leave it for now.
I don't really listen to music. I mean I like some songs, but I don't follow the music scene or actively listen to music at all. If something comes on, cool, but otherwise I couldn't care less.
The two big sections of culture I really love are movies and video games. I love both and follow both avidly, and really enjoy watching a good scene unfold or playing a fun game with friends.
I want to leave this with a recommendation much like Rebecca and Susie did, and since gaming is so varied and niche-centered that I couldn't possibly reccomend a game everyone will like (oh wait, yes I can, its called portal), I'm going to reccomend a movie. And not just any movie, oh no. This movie is my favorite of all time. Its called the shawshank redemption, and if you have not seen it already, I DEMAND that you pick it up and watch it this weekend (or even just megavideo it). It is a story of friendship, hope, freedom, and it offers simply the best that the medium of film has to offer.
anyways, I look forward to seeing your posts later.
Hooray for Canada (Winnipeger here) I know what you mean about Harry Potter I liked but didn't love them. Although I tend more towards the heavy hitters of fantasy Tolkein, David Eddings, Raymond E. Feist and more!